Through June and July, we see a lot of traveling and vacationing people pass through Summit and New Providence on their way up and down the east coast. They stay in Westfield, Cranford, and throughout Union County. But when they do, something not-so-magical happens in the state of New Jersey…bed bug populations increase. Let’s take a closer look at the passive dispersal of the insect known by entomologists as Cimex lectularius.
How do Bed Bugs Travel?
Bed bugs don’t spread on their own. They don’t crawl out of one house and squeeze into another. They are carried from one place to another. And, more often, from one home to a business and then to another home. This happens when these insects crawl into transportable items or when they lay their eggs in these objects. They’re not particular about what object they will hide in. It may be an item of clothing, it may be a box spring, it may be a piano, it may even be a computer. If they can find a place to hide, they’ll take advantage of it.
When people take a trip, they grab clothing, electronics, bedding, suitcases, and other items from their home and put them in their car. Any of these items can have bed bugs or bed bug eggs in them, which they carry into a hotel, motel, timeshare, resort, cabin in the middle of the woods, and other accommodations.
Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?
Summer is booming in Union County. That makes the threat of bed bugs increase. These bugs can passively transport from local accommodations to your home in many ways. The most obvious is when you spend the night somewhere local. But this is not the most likely. Bed bugs can be carried by hotel guests into a taxi cab or bus. They can be carried to a movie theater. They can be brought into a nightclub. Those bugs don’t stay in the hotel. In the same passive way they enter that hotel, they can move to other businesses and residences in Union County.
The Best Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs
The most important tool for bed bug prevention is knowing what bed bugs look like. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with what these tormenting insects look like. And, if you ever find these bugs in your home it is important that you understand that bed bug infestations are hard, if not impossible, to eliminate without an education in pest control and the proper equipment. In fact, it is downright dangerous to apply many of the bed bug control suggestions found online.
If you need bed bug elimination or proactive bed bug service to prevent infestation in Union County, this is the best place to start.
New Jersey residents can reach out to Viking Pest Control for a free estimate by going here. Our pest control professionals are ready to answer all of your pest and bed bug control needs, just give us a call at 800-618-2847 today!