How to Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Home from Vacation

For those that are still hanging on to these last few weeks of warm weather before the crispness of fall sets in by taking that last vacation, continue to stay alert for bed bugs while you travel. Bed bugs thrive year-round unlike other pests that are mainly active during the warm summer months. They are small, flat insects that can appear brown, but they turn red in appearance after feeding.
How to Deal with Bed Bugs While Traveling
Nobody wants to deal with identifying and removing bed bugs while on vacation. However, if you are not proactive a small bed bug problem can quickly spiral out of control. Here are few tips for dealing with bed bugs while traveling.
- Be aware and be diligent – Pull the sheets back and look in the seams of the mattress. Open drawers to night stands and dressers and look for bed bugs. If infested, you’ll see them in the corners of the furniture or underneath.
- Ask the hotel if there have been any bed bugs reported – They are obligated to tell you if there have been any situations reported.
- When returning home, leave your luggage outside or in your garage –Bed bugs can get into your suitcase, and they are so tiny that you probably won’t even notice. Put your clothes in plastic bags and seal them to ensure the bed bugs are removed.
- Vacuum your luggage and other items you took with you – Make sure to throw away the vacuum bag when you are done!
Being proactive throughout your trip will help prevent the transfer to your personal items, which lower your risk of bringing them back home. Dealing with bed bugs while traveling can be difficult but, it is important to remain vigilant. While bed bugs may not carry diseases, they can seriously ruin your ability to get a good night’s sleep, which can result in negative consequences for your health and general well-being. It’s important to take bed bug infestations seriously.
About Viking Pest Control
Continue to check for signs of bed bugs in your home once you return, and if you need Peace of Mind, contact Viking and we will inspect your home. Our expert, licensed technicians then evaluate your bed bug situation to determine how severe it is & what actions should be taken. They will then treat the infestation and make sure that the bed bugs are completely eradicated from the location. Don't wait, call the bed bug experts!