In NJ, PA, MD, and DE, there are many bugs and wild animals that present a threat to our health, our property, and our sanity. Wood-destroying pests eat away out our equity while a wide range of other creatures chew on our belongings. Dirty pests, such as cockroaches and rodents, pick up harmful bacteria from dumpsters, sewers, and other dirty places, and drop it on food-prep surfaces, dishes, silverware, and more. Some creatures, such as ticks, carry harmful human pathogens that can cause lifelong health problems. And there is a long list of pests that just drive us crazy. When it comes to pests, the best defense is a good offense. Here are the 5 best ways to make your home more resistant.
- Inside Attractants – If you have food sources in your home, bugs and rodents will take notice. You can manage food sources by keeping your foods in sealed containers, keeping shelves free of food debris, cleaning the sides of your oven every 6 months, vacuuming regularly, putting dishes in a sink full of soapy water instead of next to the sink, cleaning counters, and keeping interior trash sealed. Bugs and rodents don’t just eat your food, though. They eat each other. The better your pest control is, the less attractive your home will be to pests in general.
- Exterior Walls – When bugs and wildlife explore your exterior walls, the last thing you want is for those critters to find a way in. You should do a detailed inspection of your exterior walls on a routine basis. When you find gaps, cracks, or holes, use a caulking gun or sealant to fill them in or cover them. Pay close attention to window and door frames, pipes, electrical conduit, vents, and eaves.
- Moisture Control – Many pests are drawn to areas of moisture. It is always best to have a 2-foot swath around your foundation perimeter that stays dry most of the time. Rake leaves away from your foundation, trim bushes, and remove any debris or clutter to allow the sun to dry rainwater quickly. And address any obstructed gutters or leaky spigots. Be sure to keep weeds plucked and grass trimmed as well.
- Light – Many insects are attracted to light. If you have white exterior lights, consider replacing them with yellow insect-resistant bulbs, or simply keeping them off at night. The light that leaks out your windows will also attract insects. And, when you attract insects, you’ll attract the creatures that eat those insects.
- Pest Control – Making your home less attractive and keeping it sealed will go a long way toward keeping unwanted creatures out of your home, but the only way to establish a pest-free home is with a targeted application of insecticides and green pest control products. Bugs and wild animals are resourceful. Some are tiny and able to get through the smallest openings. Some are mobile and able to walk up walls and across ceilings. Some are able to simply chew their way into your home. Pest control professionals use products and protocols that keep resourceful pests out.
Ongoing pest control service isn’t just a quality of life upgrade; it is important protection from the threat pests pose to our health and property. When you’re ready to establish pest protection for your home, reach out to Viking Pest Control. We have over 40 years of experience managing pests in NJ, PA, MD, and DE. You can trust our team of professionals to make sure you have the right service for your home.
Call Viking at 800-618-2847 to learn more about our pest control and extermination services, or get a fast, free quote online today!