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Are Yellow Jackets Nesting In Your Walls This Fall? Preventing Breakthroughs in Somerset County NJ

Are Yellow Jackets Nesting In Your Walls This Fall? Preventing Breakthroughs in Somerset County NJ

Somerset County recently experienced its first frost of the year, but freezing outdoor temperatures don’t necessarily mean that pest activity has come to a halt. In fact, some types of pest activity may become even more dangerous during the colder months. One common pest that remains highly active, even in colder temperatures, is the Yellow Jacket.  Yellow Jackets nesting within walls may break through into living areas seeking food and warmth, which can be surprising, to say the least.  These aggressive wasps are known for building their nests in a wide variety of places, and one of their favorite spots to set up shop is inside the warm, protected spaces within your home's walls. As the temperature drops, Yellow Jackets will continue to seek food to support their queen, and if they find that the outdoors are inhospitable, they may attempt to burrow through your home's sheetrock in search of sustenance.

In temperate regions like Somerset County NJ, Yellow Jackets can find their way into your wall voids in spring and summer, entering through several access points like small gaps and holes around the home. Two of the most common entryways are open garages and enclosed porch areas, which provide these wasps with easy access to your home’s interior. Once inside, they may begin to build their nests, often without your immediate knowledge. One of the clearest indicators of an infestation is the presence of unusual sounds coming from within your walls. If you hear scratching, scraping, or rustling noises, it’s a strong indication that Yellow Jackets are either actively building their nest or attempting to burrow through the sheetrock to access food or livable temperatures.

While it might be tempting to try and address a Yellow Jacket infestation on your own, this is rarely a good idea. Yellow Jackets are notoriously aggressive and highly territorial. When they perceive a threat to their nest, they will defend it mercilessly by stinging anyone they consider a danger. Unlike bees, which can only sting once, Yellow Jackets can sting multiple times, making them particularly dangerous. Their stings are not only painful but can also be life-threatening for individuals who are allergic to wasp venom. The challenge is that most people are unaware of their allergy until they’ve been stung, and by then, it could be too late. Even if you have been stung before without a reaction, you may not react the same way if you receive multiple stings all at once. This is why dealing with Yellow Jackets on your own can be incredibly risky. 

Another reason to avoid handling a Yellow Jacket infestation yourself is the potential misuse of wasp control products. Without the proper knowledge and experience, it can be difficult to apply these products effectively. An insufficient application may result in poor outcomes, allowing the infestation to persist or worsen. On the other hand, misapplication of certain chemicals can pose serious health risks to your family and pets. If you lack the correct personal protective equipment, these risks may be compounded. Many over-the-counter products are not as effective as professional-grade treatments, which are often only available to licensed pest control specialists. Moreover, professionals are equipped with the tools and protective gear that allow them to deal with these stinging pests safely and effectively.

If you suspect that Yellow Jackets have made their way into your home’s walls, or if you have concerns about other pest issues, it’s crucial to contact a professional pest control service. Viking Pest Control specializes in safe, efficient Yellow Jacket removal treatments and can help protect your home and family from these dangerous pests. Don’t wait until the problem escalates—call Viking Pest Control at (800) 618-2847 to schedule an inspection or treatment. Let the experts handle the job and ensure your home remains pest-free this Fall in Somerset County and beyond.

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