When To Call an Exterminator for Mice

Mice are common pests found in homes and businesses. Once they make their way inside, they can cause a lot of damage and are difficult to eradicate. Prevention through continued monitoring is the ideal approach to keep them away.
Signs of a Mouse Infestation
Learning to recognize the signs of rodents present inside your property enables you to make the time-sensitive decision on when to call an exterminator for mice. Stay vigilant and contact a professional for assistance immediately if you notice any of the following:
- Mouse droppings
- Chewed food packages or furniture
- Mouse tracks
- Holes chewed in the floors and walls where mice enter the home
- Nests and gathered nesting material like fabrics and paper scraps
- Stale, musky smells
You can discourage mice and other pests from entering your home by sealing holes and cracks, disposing of food waste and garbage promptly, and cleaning up the exterior to eliminate tempting nesting sites. These DIY actions help, but the best approach to protect your home is to contact a professional exterminator like Viking Pest Control, which can provide the technology and products needed to eliminate current infestations and prevent more in the future.
Damage Caused by Mice
Mice multiply quickly and chew on just about anything, causing substantial damage to your home or business. Some of the potential dangers are:
- Chewed furniture, fabrics, and even car seats
- Structural damage
- Food contamination
- Destroyed valuables
- Chewed insulation
- Fires from chewed wires
Another concern is rodents like mice often carry diseases that have the potential to pass to humans through direct and indirect contact with an infected pest. If you suspect that you have mice, call in an expert with the tools and training to tackle the problem safely.
The SMART Solution From Viking Pest Control
When it comes to effective solutions to eliminate mice, Anticimex SMART technology from Viking Pest tops the list. This system is similar to other "smart" devices you may have in your home in that it's intelligent, efficient, and works continuously to track all pest activity. SMART is eco-friendly, non-toxic, and non-invasive.
The innovative technology monitors homes and businesses 24/7 for rodent activity so you have the peace of mind that your property and valuables are always protected. SMART uses Smart Connect Minis and Smart Eye Minis to predict and prevent infestations of mice that lead to costly damage by using infrared sensors to determine where the mice are. Data consisting of pressure and motion readings get sent to our central office for analysis.
SMART is only available through Anticimex companies such as Viking Pest Control. Our experts take care of the setup and any pest removal required. We evaluate your home to create a customized plan that best addresses your unique situation and needs. Once installed, we provide ongoing service that includes inspections and adjusting the optimal location of traps. Contact the professionals at Viking Pest Control today to get started!