Stink bugs are beginning to wake up in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, call your local stink bug control experts at Viking Pest Control if they happen to wake up in your home.
The groundhog has left us with hope that spring should arrive early and though that remains to be seen we have already experienced some warmer winter days in NJ, PA, MD, and DE. But along with the mild temps and the tease of spring comes the potential for stink bugs. Or more specifically warmer days could bring stink bugs out of hibernation and out from behind your walls and other areas where this pest likes to hang out.
What are Stink Bugs and How Did Stink Bugs Get Into my Home?
Stink bugs could be overwintering in your home right now without you even being aware. Did you know that stink bugs are classified as a fall pest? If there was an opening, even a small crack in the door or window, stink bugs could have moved in last fall and found a place to hibernate through the cold winter months. And unfortunately for you, stink bugs do not travel alone. They are most always found congregating in large numbers. Are you getting a visual? Say lots of bugs pouring out from a recessed area in your home?
It may be a relief to know that stink bugs pose no serious threat to you or your family. It is the sheer volume of stink bugs in one place that makes this pest… well a pest. Homeowners are often overwhelmed at the number of stink bugs invading but before going into panic mode and reaching for a store bought spray to kill bugs, contact the NJ, PA, MD, and DE pest control experts at Viking Pest Control. Do-it-yourself pest control treatments are often more dangerous to you than they are effective in getting rid of stink bugs or other insects and rodents including bed bugs and mice.
If you’ve noticed a mass exodus of insects from the walls or gaps in your home, have spotted a shield shaped pest or two lingering around or have detected a foul smell when crushing this insect on further examination, it would appear you’ve fallen victim to the stink bug.
The good news is that we can help! Contact your local stink bug extermination experts at Viking Pest Control. Our team of NJ, PA, MD, and DE pest control professionals will design a stink bug control program that is specific to your home, property, and family’s needs.
Call Viking at 800-618-2847 to learn more about stink bug control and extermination services, or get a fast, free quote online today!