Termite Swarmers vs Carpenter Ant Swarmers

25 percent of American homeowners worry about termites and 13 percent actually had them in the last year. Considering termites can do serious damage to wood, it's no wonder why they're homeowners' number one fear.
It's only natural that you want to be vigilant and know how to identify termites early on. That way, you can have the issue taken care of before it gets serious.
In this article, we'll tell you how to know if you have termites.
What Do Termites Look Like?
So first off, what does a termite look like?
Unfortunately, there isn't one single answer, as there are three main types of subterranean termites: workers, swarmers, and soldiers. Below are some details on each.
Workers are pretty small; they're about 1/8th to 3/8th of an inch long. They have a lighter, paler color that's close to cream. They do not have any eyes.
Although they're called soldiers, they're actually pretty tiny as well. They're the same size as workers; 1/8th to 3/8th of an inch long.
Soldiers are also cream in color. However, the main difference is they have brown heads. They also don't have eyes.
Swarmers are the largest type of termite. They're about 1 inch in length and are also known as reproductive termites. Because they must leave the tunnels, they're the only type of termite to have developed eyes. Swarmer termites are the termites you are most likely to see around your home throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Swarmers are the only termites that leave the nest in search of a new place to create a new nest and termite colony. If you are noticing termite swarmers around your property, there is likely to be a termite infestation beneath the ground of your home.
King and queen termites are dark brown or black. They're around 3/8th of an inch long.
Baby termites will look exactly like adult termites, except they're miniature and white in color.
Identifying Termites in Your Home
Now you know how the three types of termites look like. But how can you tell they're in your home if they're all underground?
Here are some key things to look for.
Mud Tunnels
When there are termites present at your house, you may see mud tunnels or mud tubes. If you notice stalagmite-looking things in your house, then they're most likely mud tunnels from termites living in your home.
Piles of Sand or Wood Shavings
In your home, you may also notice piles of sand or wood shavings. These are actually waste products from termites called frass.
Months of Activity
For the most part, termites stay inside a home. However, when spring and summer come, this is their swarming season.
During swarming season, they'll come out and find a different home. This is when you'll clearly notice termites around.
Carpenter Ant vs Termite Swarmers
Termites aren't the only insect that swarm. Carpenter ants also have swarming seasons, which means you may confuse the two.
The main difference is termite swarmers will have significantly larger wings. They're so big that they're bigger than their entire body. On the other hand, the wings of carpenter ant swarmers are tiny and are barely longer than their body.
While both insects have three body sections, termites will appear to have two. Also, carpenter ants will have bent antennae and termites will have straight ones.

Know How to Identify Termites
By knowing how to identify termites, you'll be able to recognize any problems before they become huge ones.
At the first sign of trouble, you should call a professional. Even if you're not 100 percent sure you have a termite infestation, it's always best to be safe than sorry. Prevention is key, and if you can nip the problem in the bud, then you'll have an easier time as a homeowner.
Do you need help with termite control? Then make an appointment now. You can also call us 24/7 at 1-800-618-2847.