There is nothing fun about opening a box in your closet or attic and seeing a spider. It can make even the bravest among us leap out of our skin, but not all spiders are created equal. While some spiders in New Jersey are definitely scary, some only look scary.
What is a Wolf Spider
Finding a wolf spider taking a sip from a pool of water in a stored ice cooler or near the drain on the tub can be a scary encounter, but you have nothing to worry about with these invading arachnids. They only look scary. Wolf spiders do not have a poison that is medically important, and they are not interested in biting you anyway.
Common House Spider
Another spider you’ll commonly find in your New Jersey home is the common house spider or Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Other names for this spider include American house spider, cobweb spider, house spider, and comb-footed spider. These spiders get their “comb-footed” name from the fact that they have comb-like hairs on their back tarsi, but you’ll have to look close to see them. Common house spiders are pretty tiny. The average body size of these spiders is only 2.5 cm. You won’t have to worry about the American house spider being a threat in your home. Their venom is even less medically important than that of the wolf spiders.
Black Widow Spider
If you find a black widow or brown recluse spider inside your New Jersey home, which is entirely possible, you do have something to worry about. Both of these spiders have venom that can ruin your day, but you probably already know this. What you may not know is that black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders are not aggressive by nature. They don’t crawl around your home looking to bite you. These spiders don’t eat blood; they eat insects. So you aren’t on their menu.
Most bites from black widow and brown recluse spiders happen when these spiders are brought into contact with the body. Contact happens when people slip their foot into a shoe, slide into bed, put on a shirt, or something similar. Always shake clothes and shoes before putting them on.
Bites can also occur when rummaging around in a box that is stored in the attic. If you’d like to reduce your chances of running into a spider in a stored container, consider using a sealable plastic tote and keep storage area clutter to a minimum. The more orderly your storage areas are; the less inviting they will be to spiders.
How to Prevent Spider Bites
The best way to prevent spider bites is to have ongoing pest control for your New Jersey home. There is a wide range of bugs and animals that can be a threat to your family. With year-round pest services, you can protect your family and your pets from all of them. Reach out to Viking Pest today and find out about our Home Protection Plans.
Can you live with spiders? Sure you can. But it is a lot nicer to live without them – especially if they are poisonous.
Call Viking at 800-618-2847 to learn more about pest control and extermination services, or get a fast, free quote online today!