Preventing Fall and Overwintering Pests

As autumn replaces summer and outdoor temperatures begin to drop across New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, pests such as stink bugs, cluster flies, and several species of rodents begin their search for comfortable indoor accommodations — and this is why homeowners typically see an increase in their activity. Common fall pests access human dwellings for easy access to food, warmth, and shelter as they prepare to overwinter. Because of their small size, they can slip unnoticed into your home through tiny cracks, holes, and other openings, and before you know it, you've got a house full of unwanted guests just in time for the holidays. Fortunately, pest control strategies exist for minimizing and even completely eliminating their numbers. Here's what you need to know about keeping pests from taking over your indoor home environment.
Seal Up Entry Points
Proactively sealing up all possible entry points is the most effective way of preventing pest problems from occurring in the first place. Carefully inspect your home exterior for potential access points and seal them up. Don't just check at ground level, though — rodents can scale walls if they suspect there's something in it for them. Repair any tears in door and window screens, no matter how small. Keep in mind that this needs to be done prior to seasonal drops in outdoor nighttime temperatures — if you wait too long to seal entry points, all you'll be doing is sealing the pests inside for the duration of the cold season.
If pests are particularly pervasive in your area, consider asking your local pest control company for advice and assistance pest-proofing your home. Treatments are available for hard-to-reach areas, and trained pest control technicians are skilled at identifying potential access points homeowners often overlook.
Remove Outdoor Pest Habitat
Clutter in the form of vegetative debris such as fallen foliage, overgrown shrubbery, perennials in the process of dying back for the winter, standing water, and even outdoor furniture can serve as a temporary habitat for persistent fall pests, so be sure to tidy up around your home's exterior parameters. Don't forget the gutters — these are easy to overlook, but pests of all stripes, from rodents to ants, are drawn to them because they provide superior cover.
Remove Indoor Food Sources
Many pests, particularly ants and rodents, have an uncanny ability to zero in on food sources. Make sure your home interior is free of temptations such as stray crumbs and overflowing garbage pails. If you feed your pets indoors, be sure to remove any leftover food after they've had their meals.
Get Professional Help
Getting rid of pest infestations is difficult once they've become established in your home. DIY pest protection doesn't always provide the best results; that is why Viking offers year-round home protection plans and overwintering pest services. Contact Viking Pest Control for more information on how our home protection plans keep your indoor environment pest-free for the holidays and beyond.