Avoid swarming mosquitoes by eliminating their breeding grounds on your New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland property.
In NJ, PA, DE, and MD, we like to say there are actually 5 seasons in the year – winter, spring, summer, fall and then there’s mosquito season! As the weather continues to warm up with accompanying rain showers, mosquitoes begin to show up throughout NJ, PA, DE, and MD. These thin, winged insects are most known for their attempts to ruin our outdoor activities. As they swarm around and proceed to inject our skin, it’s no wonder that mosquitoes are one of the most hated summer pests!
So before you hide in your home to avoid mosquito season, the mosquito control experts at Viking Pest Control would like to share a few mosquito prevention tips so that you can avoid masses of mosquitoes and their bites. But first, did you know that not all mosquitoes bite? Males feed only on nectar and the only reason a female feeds on our blood is so that she can get the proper nutrients to lay eggs. But regardless, it is still important to avoid mosquitoes. When the females do bite, they have the ability to spread diseases such as West Nile virus and malaria because each bite is like a tiny injection into the skin.
Mosquito prevention tips for NJ, PA, MD, and DE homeowners:
- Sign up for a customized mosquito control program, like Viking's Yard Guard, to prevent mosquitoes from breeding on your property. Millions of mosquitoes are born every single day, which can make mosquito control feel nearly impossible on your own.
- Eliminate all sources of standing water from the property which is where mosquitoes breed.
- Empty buckets, plant pots, toys or other items collecting water.
- Change the water in birdbaths each day.
- Clean out the gutters so that water flows through.
- Make sure all ditches have flowing water – you may have to dig them out in order to get the water to move.
- Keep pools and hot tubs covered when they are not in use.
- Avoid outdoor events during peak mosquito hours, which are at dawn and dusk.
- Apply insect repellent when going to an area known to have mosquitoes.
For more information on customized mosquito control services in NJ, please contact us today! Before mosquitoes have the opportunity to lay eggs and swarm your property, it is best to prevent them from breeding altogether. Our NJ pest control technicians are ready to get rid of mosquitoes on your property in Bergen County and Passaic County today. Just give us a call!
Call Viking at 800-618-2847 to learn more about mosquito pest control and extermination services, or get a fast, free quote online today!