Holiday traveling means an increased risk of bringing bed bugs home!
For most people, the holidays are a time of traveling far and wide to visit family and loved ones. And if staying at your in-laws wasn’t stressful enough, with the increased amount of travel this time of the year, there is also an increased chance of picking up bed bugs somewhere along the way.
Public buses, taxis, and even airplanes are all common places for people to pick up bed bugs as they are coming and going for the holidays. And, although bed bugs are not harmful to humans, they do feed on blood, can leave itchy bed bug bites, and are certainly cause for a scare. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to keep from bringing bed bugs into your home.
One is to make sure to immediately wash any clothes you took with you, even if you didn’t wear them. It is also recommended to wash them in hot water. Second, thoroughly vacuum out your suitcase before you store it away for the next trip. Maybe even unpack your items in the garage so there’s no chance of bugs getting in.
What Precautions Should I Take to Prevent Bed Bugs?
Taking these precautions will hopefully prevent bed bugs you may have brought home with you from settling into your home and causing an infestation. If some do happen to make their way into your home, you probably wont see them right away. They are extremely small (about the size of an apple seed) and only venture out at night to feed on human blood. The first sign you may notice would be tiny blood spots on your sheets when you wake up. You may also find find the dried discarded husks left when bed bugs shed.
Something that is important to remember is that DIY bed bug control is almost impossible due to their reclusive nature and high rate of procreation. However, the specialists at Viking Pest Control can help! Our professionals can visit your New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware or Eastern Shore of Maryland home and talk with you about a variety of options and decide what bed bug treatment is best for you. Keep in mind, the longer you wait, the more difficult extermination will be. So don’t waste another second, if bed bugs bite, call us!
Call Viking at 800-618-2847 to learn more about bed bug pest control and extermination services, or get a fast, free quote online today!