Some pests are simply too dangerous for the DIY pest control method; call the pest control professionals from Viking Pest Control today to keep your home free from pests!
Recently we covered some DIY pest control tips for minor pest problems in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland but also issued a warning about leaving more serious pest issues to the professionals. Infestations that may compromise your health, the safety of your home, or the ones that are just plain hard to get rid of like carpenter ants, termites, and bed bugs are some of the very damaging pests that should be addressed by the experienced technicians at Viking Pest Control. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at a few of the pest pressures that require a professional.
How Do I Know If I Have Damaging Pest Present on my Property?
- Carpenter ants are capable of taking over wood on the property and even wood structures within the home as they carve through wood in order to build their nests.
- Termites are also capable of serious structural damage and they actually eat wood. And with such large colonies they can quickly overrun your home and leave you with a hefty repair bill.
- Bed bugs, although not a threat to the structures of your home are capable of leaving itchy bites and they are extremely hard to get rid of on your own. Infestations grow quickly and since they are great at hiding, you will not likely be able to get rid of them without the help of a NJ, PA, MD, and DE, pest control expert, like Viking Pest Control.
Wood destroying insects like carpenter ants and termites work mostly behind the scenes which mean that by the time you notice them, it is often too late and damage has already occurred. DIY pest control products to kill the insects you are seeing are not going to be effective because what you see is just a tiny part of the entire infestation. The good news however is that your local pest extermination team at Viking Pest Control have the ability to locate the source of wood destroying insect colonies and will get rid of all of its members rather than just the few that you are seeing.
As for bed bugs, they can so easily become embedded into your home that you are likely to pull all of your hair out before successfully getting rid of them on your own. Bed bugs are nighttime feeders which make them hard to locate and with flat bodies they can fit just about anywhere including tiny cracks and crevices. Your local professionals at Viking Pest Control will design a customized bed bug control program for your home because treatments are complex and certainly not a job for homeowners to take on.
So even if you are experiencing the dreadful signs of more serious pest infestations, you can be sure that with the trusted home pest control services from Viking Pest Control, your NJ, PA, MD, or DE home is going to be in good hands. Not only will our certified technicians find the source of the pest but they will treat for and help to prevent future infestations. To learn more about our year-round Home Protection Plans, or to schedule and inspection of your home, simply contact Viking Pest Control today!
Call Viking at 800-618-2847 to learn more about pest control and extermination services, or get a fast, free quote online today!