Now Offering a One-Time Preventative Overwintering Treatment

Do you want less pests inside your home this coming spring? We thought so. Preventing pests inside your home this spring starts now as overwintering pests make their way inside your home during the fall and early winter month. Overwintering pests such as stink bugs and cluster flies, enter your home now through gaps, cracks, and crevices for warmth and shelter to nest until spring. When the weather warms, these pests emerge from their hiding spaces and invade your home.
Viking Pest is currently offering a one-time preventative exterior service to keep these overwintering pests out of your home. It's only offered now through mid-October so ACT FAST!
What Are Overwintering Pests?
Overwintering Pests are pests that enter a home or business sporadically, depending on the weather conditions. Although these pests tend to stick around for short periods of time, they can sometimes cause significant damage to your Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, or New Jersey property or issues for people living or working inside. Most types of overwintering pests are simple annoyances that need to be cleared out and pose little risk to your property or the people therein. However, getting rid of an overwintering pest infestation and preventing the outbreak of another is important for keeping your home and business protected from harm. Exterminators explain even just a few seasonal invaders could be enough to attract other, more virulent pests that can cause real damage. Some types of overwintering pests can be a menace themselves. For example, stink bugs can destroy agricultural crops quickly as they feed on plants and inject materials into plants to aid in their digestion.
How Do I Identify Overwintering Pests?
There are dozens of types of insects, rodents, and birds that can be considered overwintering pests if they only seek shelter during certain weather conditions. Each of these pests has its own unique identification characteristics. The pest control experts at Viking Pest state some of the most common overwintering pests seen in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania include:
How Do I Prevent Overwintering Pests?
You’re most likely to deal with overwintering pests in the fall or early winter, when small and large creatures alike are looking for a warm place to pass the expected cold in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. Some types of overwintering pests are more likely to come inside after extreme weather situations, like heavy rain or drought. Exterminators explain the most important steps to preventing overwintering pests involve removing nearby habitats and sealing up all entryways to your home or business.
Pest control experts at Viking Pest recommend removing standing piles of leaf litter, branches, or dead plants from nearby your building or house. If you’ve got dense greenery surrounding your home or office, clearing a border immediately around its edge may help as well. Viking Pest experts of Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware can advise you on how to best manage your outdoor area to prevent overwintering pest infestations before they cause you problems.
Our exterminators can also help you identify areas of your home or business that need to be sealed off. For non-professionals, it’s almost impossible to imagine all the potential ways a pest can enter a building. For expert pest control technicians, it’s their job. We’ll help you find and block off the cracks in your foundation or roofing, unlevel windows, and doors that don’t shut properly and find other building issues that can allow overwintering pests to enter.