Effective Pest Control in NJ: How to Control Pests During a Drought

In New Jersey, drought isn't just tough on people and ecosystems. Common local pests like rats, millipedes, and pill bugs depend on water just as much as humans and other animals do. When water is scarce where they're used to finding it, they have no choice but to look for it other places.
Unfortunately, those places include your yard, garden, and even the interior of your home, but you don't have to simply accept that. Here we'll go over a few pest control in NJ tips for keeping your property pest-free during a drought.
What Kinds of New Jersey Pests Invade Homes in Search of Water?
Unfavorable environmental conditions like drought often mean insect and pest populations are lower than usual. You may notice fewer pests in your vicinity as a result, but they're absolutely still there. If they decide to invade your property in search of water, they may do so in large numbers.
Some New Jersey-area pests are especially sensitive to dry conditions, not to mention a lot more likely to migrate in large numbers to find water and moisture. Examples include:
- Millipedes
- Sowbugs/pill bugs
- Springtails
- Clover mites
Rats are also extremely moisture-dependent. Each rat needs a minimum of 1-1 ½ ounces of water every day. If they can't find it outdoors, they have no problem infiltrating human dwellings in search of it.
How to Keep NJ Pests Off Your Property During a Drought
The key to keeping pests like rats, millipedes, and more out of your home is prevention. Here are a few key tips for keeping them away from your property.
Address exterior sources of moisture
A yard or garden full of accessible water sources will be especially appealing to New Jersey pests, so consider eliminating these. Fix leaky garden hoses and exterior faucets. Drain any standing water or puddles that develop on your property.
You may also want to consider temporarily draining fixtures like fountains, pools, or koi ponds to avoid attracting pests.
Seal up any points of entry
Pests like rats, roaches, and ants can be extremely diligent when it comes to finding a way into a human dwelling. A rat can fit through openings smaller than a nickel, and insects like ants can easily fit through even tiny cracks.
Keep your doors and windows shut as often as you can. Walk your property and inspect the foundation for crevices, cracks, or holes that could grant access to persistent pests. Seal them up immediately.
Stay on top of your trash
Trash cans and garbage piles are a treasure trove for pests under even normal circumstances. However, they're especially attractive during a drought, as they often contain accessible sources of precious moisture.
Empty indoor waste cans and trash bins frequently to avoid attracting pests. Store outdoor waste in tightly sealed bins to contain smells and keep rodents, insects, and other pests from getting into it.
Call a trusted NJ exterminator
You don't need to wait until you notice pests on the premises to benefit from a good NJ exterminator. An exterminator can inspect your property for signs of infestation or potential entry points and address any issues. They can also implement preventative treatments that ensure pests stay off your property and out of your life.
Viking Pest Control is New Jersey's go-to pest authority for some very good reasons. Safe, effective solutions that won't harm your family and extensive local knowledge of New Jersey pests are just two. Get in touch today, and let us know how we can help!