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Why Mice Want To Move Into Your Home Once the School Year Starts

Why Mice Want To Move Into Your Home Once the School Year Starts

As summer ends and the school year begins, people spend less and less time outside and more time indoors. Similarly, as the weather cools, mice begin their search for warm environments, and your home might be their ideal destination. These tiny creatures are remarkably resourceful, squeezing through gaps as small as ¼ inch. Common entry points include spaces around utility lines, gaps under siding, and openings around exterior doors. Once inside, mice can cause a host of problems, from health risks to property damage.

Signs of a Mouse Infestation

The most telltale sign of a mouse infestation is the appearance of droppings, usually found in kitchens, basements, or garages. Other signs include gnawed food packages, chewed materials like paper or cardboard, and shredded couch stuffing. Mice are also known to create nests in hidden areas, using whatever soft materials they can find. If you start noticing these signs, it’s time to act.

Are Mice Dangerous?

While mice are not aggressive, they pose significant health risks. Their presence is often accompanied by droppings and urine, which can spread diseases like Hantavirus and salmonella. To minimize these risks, it’s crucial to handle droppings with care. Always spray them with disinfectant before cleaning, and if vacuuming, ensure your device has a HEPA filter to effectively trap harmful particles and prevent them from circulating in your home.

In addition to the health risks, mice can cause damage to a variety of household objects through their compulsive gnawing behavior. Most seriously, they can chew on wires, short-circuiting your electronics and sparking a risk of fire.

mouse chewing on a wire - mice control for home

Humane Mouse Removal

When it comes to removing mice, snap traps are the most humane and effective option. These traps dispatch mice practically instantly, allowing for easy cleanup and minimal suffering. While live traps might seem like a kinder option, they often result in the mouse returning to your home or suffering from starvation or predation after release. Rodenticides, though effective, should be used with caution due to the risks they pose to other animals and the possibility of mice dying in inaccessible areas, leading to unpleasant odors.

When to Call a Professional

If your DIY efforts aren’t yielding results, or the infestation seems too extensive to handle on your own, it’s time to call in the experts. Viking Pest Control professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. They can identify and seal entry points, recommend changes to reduce future infestations, and employ advanced strategies to eliminate the current problem. Further, Viking is the only pest control company in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland that offers SMART Rodent Control, which monitors mouse activity 24/7 and helps to detect and prevent mouse infestations before they happen.

Professional pest control services don’t just remove the immediate threat; they provide long-term solutions that ensure your home remains mouse-free. With Viking Pest Control, you can rest easy knowing your home is in expert hands. Don’t let a minor nuisance turn into a major problem—contact Viking Pest Control today and take the first step toward a safer, cleaner home.

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