How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Home

Squirrels are famed for their energetic climbing, the adorable, humanlike way they use their paws to nibble on nuts and acorns, and their luxuriant fluffy tails. But as fun as they may be to watch, they can wreak genuine havoc if they make their way into your home. And with their incredible climbing skills and their tenacious rodent gnawing skills, they have surprisingly little difficulty biting, clawing, and squeezing their furry little bodies into your home to get at the food and warmth kept inside. However, invasions by these bushy-tailed burglars are not inevitable. Here are some tips from Viking Pest experts to keep the Squirrels on the outside looking in.
Reduce Food Sources in the Yard
As we all know, bird feeders attract more than just birds. Squirrels and other animals love to go after the bird seed and will go to great lengths to get to it. They have also been known to steal fruit and vegetables from people's home gardens and fruit trees. Keeping all bird feeders away from the house and enclosing your outdoor garden with fencing or netting can help reduce squirrels' attraction to your yard and the home it surrounds..
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Eliminate Roof Access
Squirrels are exceptional climbers and can often be seen running up and down tree trunks and branches. They prefer to nest high off the ground and will travel across treetops, jumping between branches when they are close enough. If you have trees touching or overhanging your house, this can provide an easy pathway to your roof and possibly your attic! If your trees are too close to the house, contact a professional tree service to have the branches cut back at least 6 feet from the building to prevent squirrels from making that big leap.
Seal Up Points of Entry
Squirrels need about a baseball sized opening to easily enter a structure. However, not having such a large opening is not enough to keep squirrels out. Squirrels are resourceful and can use their little rodent teeth and claws to expand smaller wholes into a baseball-sized rupture. Remember, squirrels are rodents and their teeth were made for gnawing. This is especially common around wooden rooflines, as their natural nesting sites are often in the hollows of trees. Preemptively sealing off smaller openings, commonly called "exclusion," is a very effective way to prevent squirrels from nesting in your house. Inspect the exterior of your house, focusing especially on the roof lines, to look for possible entry points. Some common spots are loose or missing overhang sections, fascia boards damaged by overflowing gutters, roof and attic vents with damaged or missing screens, and broken windows. Some of these fixes can be as simple as cleaning the gutters or popping a vent cover back into place, but others may need professional repairs.
The Viking Squirrel Solution
While the best squirrel control method is prevention, if Squirrels do find their way into your home, Viking Pest can help. We have more than 40 years of award-winning pest control experience and have helped homeowners in New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and the Eastern Shore of Maryland get and keep squirrels out of homes where they don't belong.