How to Get Rid of Ticks in Pennsylvania

Ticks aren't just annoying pests. These small insects can carry a variety of dangerous diseases that threaten animals and humans, and they are unfortunately prevalent in the Keystone State. In fact, Pennsylvania is the Lyme Disease capital of the United States.
If you're wondering how to get rid of ticks and keep them away, there are several things you can do to protect your pets and family.
Read on for some insightful tips that will teach you how to say goodbye to ticks once and for all.
Clean Everything Frequently
Ticks like to hitch a ride on pets, clothing, and soft surfaces. To prevent ticks from affecting your Pennsylvania home, clean all clutter so they don't have anywhere to hide.
Any time you come inside, wash all clothing in hot water. Check your shoes and socks to make sure that ticks have not attached themselves to your feet or ankles. Vacuum carpeting and furniture frequently to capture any ticks that might be hiding in those areas.
Learn How to Get Rid of Ticks on Your Pets
If you have pets, it's crucial to check and treat them for ticks as often as possible. Start by combing their fur using a special comb that "weeds" and pulls the ticks out off their coat.
Treat your dog or cat using a topical product that's specifically designed to kill ticks. If you're not sure what to use, ask your veterinarian for recommended products that work. Continue to check and treat your pet and consider a tick-repelling collar if your pet spends a lot of time outside.
Consider Professional Tick Control
Pennsylvania homeowners can contact Viking Pest Control to help them say goodbye to the threat of disease-carrying ticks. With the Yard Guard service, you'll get effective protection that lasts.
Yard Guard Mosquito and Tick Protection will reduce the population of these pests so you can enjoy spending time outside. The service features five scheduled treatments throughout the warm months so ticks stay away for good. A Viking Pest technician thoroughly inspects your property and then treats all the areas where ticks can hide.
Don't Take Chances With Ticks
Ticks carry dangerous pathogens that can pose a serious threat to your health and well-being. Some ticks can transmit Lyme disease to humans, a serious and chronic illness that's very difficult to treat.
Besides Lyme disease, different species of ticks carry and transmit a wide range of other dangerous diseases. Don't be a victim of these biting pests that can threaten the health of the ones you love. By learning how to get rid of ticks, you can enjoy the great outdoors again.
You Don't Need to Deal With Ticks Alone
Once you know how to get rid of ticks, it's important to continue the process every season. With a thorough cleaning and professional treatment, you won't need to worry about ticks in your Pennsylvania home.
Make sure your pets have the proper tick prevention regimen, too. Viking Pest is the expert in tick control in Pennsylvania.
To ensure your family is safe from ticks, contact Viking Pest Control and schedule our Yard Guard service today!