How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs

Have you ever been swarmed by a bug and noticed a strange and unpleasant smell?
You probably encountered a stink bug.
Chances are, if you have a stink bug infestation, your nose will let you know and you'll want to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.
Keep reading to learn more about how to get rid of stink bugs.
Understanding Stink Bugs
Whether you already have a stink bug infestation or are working to prevent one, learning a little more about stink bugs and what attracts them can help you understand how to get rid of them.
Stink bugs are around throughout the year, but they are most likely to present a problem in the summer and fall months. They have a taste for a variety of plants and love ripe fruit. In fact, they have been known to eat plants ranging from weeds to nuts.
Stink bugs also love warm weather and sunny days. This is why they come out from hiding in the summer.
They are experts at squeezing into small spaces, but they often get stuck there, leading to infestations. When threatened, stink bugs emit an odor as a form of self-defense. Fortunately, they are mostly harmless to humans.
Preventing Stink Bugs
While stink bugs might not pose a threat to humans, they can certainly be annoying and can destroy your plants. There are some things you can do to prevent stink bugs.
The first thing you should do is check in and around your home for potential entry points. These include cracks, rips in window screens, and obvious openings. Be sure to check areas that receive a lot of sunlight. Seal or repair any openings you find to prevent stink bugs from getting into your house.
As we mentioned previously, stink bugs love light. For this reason, you should consider changing your exterior lighting if you have a stink bug problem.
Opt for yellow bulbs or lights designed to reduce light pollution, such as sodium-vapor lights. These lights are less attractive to insects like stink bugs.
How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs
While there are steps you can take to prevent stinkbugs, they won't always work. When your stink bug population becomes too much, you have an infestation.
The fastest way to get rid of stink bugs in your house is to call a pest control expert. You don't want to waste time trying to get rid of these insects on your own. They are known for their ability to quickly destroy plants and of course, they stink.

Let Us Help
As pest control experts, we know how to get rid of stink bugs and work with homeowners to prevent them from coming back.
Even though stink bugs probably won't hurt you, no one wants to be swarmed by stink bugs in their own home. We can help you protect your sanity and your garden.
Get a fast, free stink bug quote online, or call us today at 1-800-618-2847 to learn more about our stink bug extermination services.