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How Spotted Lanternfly Treatments Can Help Protect Your Farm

How Spotted Lanternfly Treatments Can Help Protect Your Farm

The spotted lanternfly, as pretty as its name is, has been wreaking havoc since its arrival in 2014. If you have recently spied this notorious invader on your farm, you need to take action immediately. 

The spotted lanternfly has been singled out as possibly the worst pest to target American soil in 150 years. Any delays in exterminating these pests on your part could result in costly and irreparable damage. 

So how does one get rid of spotted lanternflies? Read on, and we'll tell you the most reliable ways to exterminate these pests. 

What Is a Spotted Lanternfly?

Before we jump into how to exterminate spotted lanternflies, let's quickly take a look at what a spotted lanternfly is, and how to ID them. 

Hailing from Asia, the spotted lanternfly is a plant-hopper. Adults are roughly 1 inch long. They sport a mix of brown, beige, and red coloring, with attractive black dots on their front wings.

Before reaching adulthood, juvenile spotted lanternflies are about 1/8 1/2 inches long. Juveniles have black bodies with white spots. 

Spotted lanternflies start laying their eggs in late summer and may continue into November. By May, the eggs start to hatch. From the eggs emerge the nymphs (juvenile spotted lanternflies). These go through four stages of growth before reaching adulthood. 

Now, what do spotted lanternflies eat?

Spotted lanternflies feed on the sap of plants. There are currently over 70 identified plant species they feed on. These include agricultural crops such as hops and grapevines, as well as ornamental plants. The tree-of-heaven is a particular favorite of the spotted lanternfly. 

Many people wonder, do spotted lanternflies bite? 

No, they do not, spotted lanternflies feed exclusively on plant sap and do not bite animals or humans. 

The Damage Spotted Lanternflies Can Do to Agricultural Areas

Because spotted lanternflies feed on the sap of plants, they can suck the life out of crops.

Besides depleting plants of their sap, they also excrete the sap back out. This excretion is sugary and sticky and attracts other insects such as ants. It creates a thick covering over plants. The excretions can also cause black mold to develop.

Spotted lanternflies target most fruit trees and are particularly drawn to grapevines. They also feed on hops plants and target timber trees as well. 

This means that if you are a fruit, hops, or timber farmer, your harvests are particularly at risk. 

If you are a cattle farmer, you might be wondering, can the spotted lanternfly harm my livestock?

The answer to this is yes, but not directly. 

Spotted lanternflies feed strictly on plant sap and are not known to bite humans or animals. However, they may be destructive to fodder crops you have planted for your cattle herds. 

For example, spotted lanternflies have been found feeding on alfalfa crops. 

Spotted lanternflies often destroy plants and crops completely by weakening them to the point where they cannot recover. For some plants and trees, spotted lanternfly infestations are not fatal. However, their impacts usually significantly decrease plant yields.

Now that you have an idea of what spotted lanternflies can do to agricultural land let's take a look at how to get right of them. 

How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies

If you have been googling "how to get rid of spotted lanternflies," you have probably seen that the internet is awash with home remedies and DIY removal methods. 

Unfortunately, most of these strategies do not work. What's more, because spotted lanternfly infestations can have such serious impacts, trying out different at-home treatments and over-the-counter products can do more harm than good.

Spotted lanternflies lay between 30-50 eggs at a time. They generally produce up to two batches of eggs per season. This means that within a year, your farm could experience a near 10,000% rate increase of spotted lanternflies if you do not take swift and effective action. 

In short, once you noticed spotted lanternfly activity on your property, there isn't time to test out DIY methods. By doing so, you might be unwittingly causing an uncontrollable infestation. 

For these reasons, it is recommended that you call in a professional extermination company. An experienced team of exterminators will be able to apply effective treatments. Combined with follow up procedures, this will allow you to control the spotted lanternfly populations on your property. 

Here are some of the spotted lanternfly treatments that we use for effective extermination. 

Professional Spotted Lanternfly Extermination Methods

Viking Pest Control exterminates spotted lanternflies using a combination of two treatment types. 

The first is a monthly application of an EPA-approved material to trees and manmade surfaces for quick and efficient population reduction. 

The second treatment is applied to trees once per year to kill spotted lanternflies when they feed. These services are skillfully applied by highly trained and licensed pest management professionals in a manner that maximizes effectiveness while minimizing risk to the environment.

Our treatments are specially formulated to prevent harm to other wildlife such as birds, squirrels, and rodents.

Do You Need Effective Spotted Lanternfly Extermination Services for Your Farm?

Spotted lanternflies are a pest to homeowners. But if you own a farm, you have more to worry about than your yard and porch. A sever spotted lanternfly infestation could impact your livelihood and your future. 

If you need spotted lanternfly extermination carried out on your farm, take a look at our spotted lanternfly control and prevention services. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, Viking Pest Control is the best choice in pest management services. As a certified member of QualityPro, we pride ourselves on providing cutting-edge treatments and superior customer service. 

Our treatments are tailored to the unique needs of your commercial property. We provide free site evaluations with estimates of charges and hassle-free service scheduling and payment methods. 

To enjoy top-notch service and the most effective treatments, call us at 1-800-618-2847 or fill out the form on this page to get a free and no-obligation estimate today. 

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