The carpenter ant, at first glance, seems like just another ant, only larger. Many people do not think much of them when they see one or two big black ants in the house. They tend to just step on them or ignore them altogether and move along on their merry way. Here is the problem, of all of the types of ants there are likely to invade your home, the carpenter ant is definitely the one you should be worried about. It is true, that seeing one big black in the kitchen may just mean that it came in for some takeout to haul back to its nest. The carpenter ant frequently finds its way into our kitchens from their nests to partake of any greasy residue they may find as well as sugary substances that they can take home with them. However, what if the nest is a little too close for comfort?
All summer long, the carpenter ant is on the move. The workers are always on the hunt for new nesting spots, especially ones with easy access to food and water. As summer slowly makes way towards fall, it is important to remember that if these stray ants have found a way in, then their ever-growing family can as well. Then, the carpenter ant can spend all winter continuing to expand their nests right inside the walls of your home without a winter break because we tend to keep our houses at a fairly even temperature, allowing these pests to remain active.
The damage that a nest of carpenter ants can do before anyone even realizes that they are there can cost the average homeowner thousands of dollars. Though these big black ants do not eat wood like termites do, they still chew their way through wet or water-damaged wood so they can make tunnels to different areas of the house or just to give themselves more nesting space. Over time, these ants can cause significant damage to the structure.
Carpenter Ant Pest Control
A carpenter ant infestation may be hard to detect. If you suspect that your home has carpenter ants give Viking Pest Control a call right away. Our pest control professionals will complete a thorough evaluation of your home to determine if you have an infestation and will discuss with you the best way to remove those big black ants from your home. You can count on your Viking Pest Control carpenter ant exterminator to provide quality, courteous service in a timely fashion to get your home back on track and free of carpenter ants.
Call Viking at 800-618-2847 to learn more about carpenter ant control and extermination services, or get a fast, free quote online today!