Are Mice Nocturnal?

Mice are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active at night. Find out how this behavior affects mouse control and the best treatment options.
Mice are small, intelligent rodents known for their ability to squeeze through small gaps to make their way indoors. Once they’ve settled inside, they can quickly multiply, creating an infestation that’s difficult to combat alone.
Since live mice aren’t often seen by homeowners, even with an active infestation, many have wondered if mice are nocturnal. The answer is yes, and understanding the behaviors of mice and other nocturnal creatures is crucial to finding effective pest control and prevention solutions.
If you see a mouse or other rodent in your home or notice signs of activity such as dropping or gnawing marks, contact Viking Pest Control for safe and effective mice control in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware.
Nighttime Activities of Mice
Mice are at their peak active during the night, specifically at dusk and before dawn. They are social creatures living in communities of other mice, typically hidden away within the walls and other out-of-the-way places around your home. Once mice have established a nest near a known source of food, they rarely venture more than 30 feet away from it.
Mice utilize their intelligence to adapt to their environment, as well as their memory to establish trusted routes to food sources. Known for their scavenging nature, mice will consume nearly anything they can find and often eat during the night. Any food left out in the open will attract mice. They prefer to travel along well-defined routes and use their whiskers to feel their way and navigate through the dark. Common pathways traveled can include vertical pipes and wires that run within walls and between floors.
Understanding how mice behave and thrive is critical to getting rid of them. Placing traps and bait stations near food sources and along heavily traveled routes, especially along walls is important. Mice will investigate any changes made to their environment, so moving things around will force them to notice changes and establish new routes.
Benefits of SMART Mice Control
While knowing mice and their suspected routes can help, SMART Pest Control from Anticimex is the most effective way to combat mice in your home. Since mice are nocturnal, it can be difficult to discover their preferred pathways and nesting sites. Along with their abilities to quickly adapt to change and breed in large numbers, making headway towards eliminating an infestation can quickly be thwarted if they reestablish themselves in a new location.
Anticimex SMART Pest Control works 24/7 – 365 days a year – to digitally track mouse activity around your home, even when no one is awake or around to see or hear it. This consistent, round-the-clock monitoring ensures early detection of mice to stop infestations before they start and relays the location of mice to stop infestations before they start and relocate traps as needed. These traps are a humane solution that’s environmentally friendly and non-toxic for use around children and pets. One of the best parts of SMART technology is that it’s hands-off for the homeowner. The system sends alerts to the control center at Viking Pest Control, notifying our technicians when traps need to be emptied.
SMART mice and rodent control in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware is the ideal solution to eliminating current infestations and ongoing mice prevention. This innovative technology uses sensors and traps installed both indoors and out that communicate wirelessly, making it the perfect method to detect mice at any time and place they are active.