2020, The Year of the Rat

2020 marks the year of the rat according to the Chinese Zodiac calendar. In Chinese culture, rats were a sign of wealth, and because of their quick reproduction rate, married couples would also pray to the rat for children. The year of the rat is also considered to be the year of new beginnings and renewals.
Celebrate your “new beginning” by protecting your New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Delaware home or business from rats with Viking Pest. While true that rats have a quick reproduction rate and can be quick thinkers, the last thing you want is a rat infestation in your home or business. The pest control experts at Viking Pest explain that rats are known for causing structural damage to homes, offices, and apartment buildings through gnawing on building materials, nesting in walls, and spreading diseases such as salmonella.
The pest control experts at Viking Pest care about the well-being of your family, pets, employees, customers, and the structure of your home or business. Viking Pest’s certified pest professionals spend time inspecting your home for rodent entry points to control infestations from the source. Viking Pest utilizes Integrated Pest Management (IMP) techniques to minimize the amount of materials used during a treatment by effectively controlling pest problems from their entry points. This technique is environmentally cautious and allows the Viking Pest team to efficiently control any pest concern without exposing your home or office to an unnecessary amount of pest control materials.
Viking Pest is the only pest control provider in New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland to offer Anticimex SMART rodent control. Anticimex SMART is an intelligent, electronic, environmentally-friendly pest control system that keeps an eye on mice activity, unlike anything currently on the market. With the use of sensors and electronic monitoring, the pest control professionals at Viking Pest will be able to detect rodent activity and know immediately if a rodent was caught. This innovative, top-of-the-line, electronic rodent catch system is available for all Viking Pest Commercial Accounts and will be available to all Residential Customers in Spring 2020.
Your family, pets, employees, and customers deserve to live, work, or shop in a rodent free environment. Protect your New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, or Maryland home or business with Viking Pest and receive the utmost attention and care from our pest management professionals. Call Viking Pest today at 1-800-618-2847 to learn more about our IMP techniques and how our pest control experts can help your home and business become or remain rodent and pest free!